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Foundation gives back

The Foundation held their annual granting evening on November 14, 2024 at the Boissevain Curling Club. From funds raised in the 2023 year and granted in 2024 the Foundation board chose 18 organizations in Boissevain-Morton to receive $94,188.71 in undesignated grants.

Of the undesignated grants, the largest went to the Turtle Mountain School Division – Parent Advisory Council. They received $25,000.00 for new playground equipment for the Boissevain School. This new equipment will replace the aging equipment and allow all students equal opportunity to access regardless of their abilities.

Other grants show the board’s desire to spread the money around the community. There was $5,022.01 for a new ice machine for the Boissevain Curling Club, $4100.00 for ice commander suits for the Boissevain Fire Department, $1911.24 for new laptop and bookkeeping software for Boissevain Morton Donor’s Choice. There was $19,072.00 for Boissevain Golf Club for new commercial zero turn mower.  Several went to youth organizations; some went to seniors’ groups. There were sports, music, outdoors, the food pantry. The grants covered most of the town.

The Boissevain Bowling Alley have a self-designated fund which they prefer to a grant to young citizens. In 2024, they contributed $3,711.00 to the Turtle Mountain School Division – Parent Advisory Council for their project of replacing playground equipment at the Boissevain School.  

The Boissevain School – Youth in Philanthropy also granted $2000.00. They researched charities in the fall and decided as a group where their money would be most beneficial.  This year they chose:

Boissevain Soccer Association – soccer nets $500
Boissevain Skating Club – CanSkate signage – $250
Boissevain Curling Club – refrigeration plant – $500
Municipality of Boissevain-Morton Parks and Recreation – light for outdoor rink – $250
Boissevain & Area Bowling Association – bowling shoes – $500

When the undesignated grants are combined with the designated and scholarships, Boissevain & Morton Foundation gave back $230,388.45 to the community in 2024.

Boissevain & Morton Foundation was also very fortunate to receive several donations in 2023. From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 they received a total of $248,736.58 in donations. This certainly helps their ability to build assets and give into the future.