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Building community. It is at the heart of everything we do. The Boissevain & Morton Foundation’s real success is defined by what improves our quality of life here, and how we can make it better for all. If you are looking to create something that will live on forever and continue to change lives across our community, we can help.

Over $2 million given back

Today, the Boissevain & Morton Foundation manages over $5 million in donated funds sustained by individuals and families who care deeply about the future of our community. Our job is to make these funds grow so that they can flow back into the community to support a wide selection of charitable efforts. Since the start of the local foundation in 1975, over $2 million has been given back to our community in grants. Each year, as we grow, the more we give back.

How can you participate

The Foundation offers a range of options to serve every donor and virtually every interest. Your gift to the Boissevain & Morton Foundation is an expression of gratitude to the community and of your desire to benefit future generations. Your gift is never spent or used, it keeps on giving forever in your name.

The Foundation offers a variety of ways in which individuals, families or corporations may join in this exciting undertaking.

Popular ways to give

Canadians give for different reasons and in different ways. It often comes because of a pure and simple desire to do good, to help others; for some it is a way to ensure their memory lives on; for many it’s a way to ensure that their favourite charity is able to continue its important work, while for others it represents a way to ease the tax implications that come with the transfer of their estate to surviving relatives.

What ever your reason we invite you to join us in our ongoing efforts to create a positive change in our community. Our work is possible because of community support – ranging from modest checks from countless individuals to large bequests from generous donors.

Review this website to learn more about the Foundation and its impact to our community, or to get you started on your planned giving.

Become a donor

We can’t live forever, but we can leave something that does!